Castleblayney Faugh’s notes week beginning 06/12/2021
Christmas draw: Tickets can be bought online at or physical tickets can be bought from any committee member, they are the perfect stocking filler. The draw will take place on 15th December. The prizes are – 2 x €1,000 Smyths Toys Vouchers, 2 x €1,000 Dunnes Stores Vouchers and 1 x €1,000 SuperValu Voucher or if you like, you can take the cash equivalent of your prize.
Lotto: This weeks winning numbers are: 2, 6, 12, 19. The four €25 lucky dip winners are: Gerard O’Connor, Betty Byrne, Marie Rafter, Noelle Woods. Next weeks jackpot is €7,000.
Thank you: The club would like to thank Brendan and Raylene Tavey for their sponsorship for 2022 towards the signage at the entrance to the pitch.
Congratulations: The club would like to congratulate Keith Hill and Marie Shevlin on the birth of their son and to congratulate Naill and Grainne Duffy on the birth of their son.
Advertising: We now have availability around the field for adverts up for grabs. If you would like more information on how to advertise with us please ask any committee member.
Bingo: Bingo continues at Our Lady’s Secondary School concert hall every Wednesday night at 8pm. We would appreciate any volunteers to help us at the bingo from 7-9pm, so please contact any committee member if interested.
Volunteer: Our various committees are already busy working hard for next season. Anyone interested in helping out as a volunteer or as a coach please contact any committee member, we would love to have you on board.