Club Notes 03/06/21

Lotto: There was no winner of this weeks Lotto jackpot. Numbers drawn were 1, 10, 14 & 19. Lucky dip winner for this week was Martin Rafferty, 54 Ard Ross, Crossmaglen. Next weeks draw is worth €4300. Keep playing and supporting your club on

Fundraiser: Tickets are still available for our major fundraiser. Buy online on or get that ticket from any of our sellers who are currently out on foot making sure no one misses out on the fantastic prizes on offer. As we hit the final stretch the club is appealing for anyone willing to help out with selling. Many hands make light work and let’s help the club achieve its goals. Keep liking and sharing on social media.

Return To Play: Just a reminder to keep completing the return to play questionnaire prior to training each week. Compliance has been excellent to date and we thank everyone for their cooperation

Training: Training continues for all this week. See your relevant team app for days and time.

Fixtures: Next week sees the start of ladies fixtures with our U12, U14, U16 and senior ladies all going to see some long awaited action. Good luck to all and hope its another successful year for the club.

Membership: For those who still have to pay their membership, it can be still completed via the return to play online or leaving it with our club treasurer. Thanks to all who have so far paid up to date.

Referee recrutment: The county board are still on the look out for new Referee’s. Anyone interested please contact one of our committee members or contact Xavior Coyle (Referee Administrator)

Cúl camps: Kellogs cúl camps are running this summer and if you energetic and interested in sports coaching? There is opportunities for you this Summer.Register your interest now at Kellogs GAACulCamps offers all kids a healthy, safe and fun outdoor activity this summer. Check out your local camps at

Club development plan :The club is looking for expressions of interest for the club development plan 2022-2027, this will be a sequel to the last development plan and will encompass alot of what hasn’t been delivered in that plan to date, the plan is open submissions,  also a new development plan committee is being sought, all interested people should let the club secretary know.

If there are any notes/events you wish to have published as part of our notes please don’t hesitate in contacting Brendan Carr on 0872926456 or by emailing

Club Notes 03/06/21
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