Summer Camp – Covid Guidelines

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The safety of our participants and staff is always of the utmost importance to us. We are proceeding in line with Government guidelines and subject to advice from the relevant authorities. We look forward to welcoming everyone and continue to monitor the situation very closely.

See below for details on camp protocols and pre-camp requirements for registered participants 

Covid-19 camp processes

Several new camp operational practices were introduced due to Covid-19. The below list outlines but is not limited to measures taken to ensure safety of all participants, staff and volunteers;

  • COVID-19 specific online education completed by all staff and volunteers
  • All participants, staff and volunteers must complete GAA health questionnaire prior to attending camp
  • Participants allocated playing “pods” and coaches for the week
  • Drop off and collection protocols in place at venues
  • Sanitation stations allocated at venues
  • All equipment sanitised before and after use
  • No use of indoor facilities*

*Toilets exception here

Guidelines for Parents & Guardians


All Parents/Guardians are required to ensure that they are fully aware of the Guidelines on the Safe Return to Gaelic Games document.

Parents/Guardians must share this information, in an age-appropriate manner, with their child including awareness
as to the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and of social/physical distancing guidance:

A parent/guardian or a child displaying any of the COVID-19 symptoms must not attend the camp.


  • Complete the COVID-19 GAA Education Module .
  • Complete the health questionnaire (Safe Return for Gaelic Games) in advance of the camp and provide it to the Camp COVID Supervisor:
  • How to complete health questionnaire 
  • Seek medical advice if their child has any underlying health conditions before attending a camp.
  • Ensure that the Camp COVID Supervisor/Camp Co-Ordinator is made aware of any medical condition that their child may have including any medication the child may be required to take during the camp or any changes in their child’s medical condition from what is recorded in the initial health questionnaire completed by the parent/guardian.
  • Ensure if any relevant information contained in the health questionnaire, including the parent/guardians contact details, change from day to day.
  • Continue to monitor their child’s temperature before each day of camp.
  • Inform the Camp COVID Supervisor/Camp Coordinator of any change of their child’s temperature or health.
  • Ensure their child has washed their hands prior to arriving to the camp.
  • Ensure their child arrives togged and ready for camp activities. Dressing rooms will not be available for this purpose.
  • Ensure their child has their own water bottle, marked with the child’s name
  • If deemed appropriate provide their child with their own hand sanitiser (at least 60% alcohol) labelled.
  • Travel with child/children where possible to camp – only one parent/guardian, not directly involved in the camp, is permitted to attend or observe camp activities and must abide by the directives contained in the Guidelines on the Safe Return to Gaelic Games document at all times.
  • Ensure child has appropriate clothing i.e. rain jacket, sun cream. Sharing of equipment will not be permitted. Bags/coats will all be stored outside. It is recommended that camp participants store their belongings in a waterproof container/bag and leave valuables at home. Please be reminded that participants are not permitted to bring mobile phones to camp.
  • No person or child should attend camp if they are unwell or members of their household are showing symptoms consistent with COVID-19.


  • Provide the Camp COVID Supervisor/Camp Co-Ordinator with their child(ren)’s Health Questionnaire on the first day of camp: 
  • Drop the child(ren) each morning and the health questionnaire is to be signed with the Camp Co-Ordinator daily.
  • Adhere to the social distancing guidelines when approaching registration areas. The use of facemasks is strongly encouraged, and social distancing guidelines are to be adhered to at all times.
  • Avoid any physical contact with coaches, other parents and other children when collecting their child(ren).
  • Check social media each morning during the week of camp in the event of any changes to the camp plans.
  • Ensure that their child(ren) are collected immediately after camp with members from their own house only.


  • Must refrain from shaking hands, high fives, sharing equipment and spitting etc. in accordance with government guidelines.
  • Must wash their hands and use hand sanitiser regularly throughout the day and prior to and post going to the toilet in accordance with government guidelines.
  • Cannot access dressing rooms, hall etc. with the exception of toilet use.
  • Must use their own water bottle, labelled with the child’s name.


  • Players should wash/sanitise their hands.
  • Parents should collect their child from the collection area as advised by the Camp Co-Ordinator.
  • Parents should ensure that all gear and equipment is collected, taken home and appropriately cleaned prior to the next day of camp.


  • If at any time during a club activity or camp your child displays signs or symptoms of COVID-19, as the parent/guardian, the Team Covid Supervisor or Camp Co-Ordinator will phone you.
  • The Team Covid Supervisor/Camp Co-Ordinator will along with one other adult accompany your child to the medical room, while adhering to the social/physical distancing guidelines.
  • The parent/guardian will transport the child home and should consult with their GP by phone of their child’s symptoms.
  • All persons who have been in close contact* with the suspect case will need to be informed to restrict their movement for 14 days or until further information is available (i.e. a negative test result of the suspect case).

* Casual contacts should monitor their own health for 14 days. If the casual contact’s health changes, please seek medical advice. A close contact is: Anyone who has spent more than 15 minutes, face-to-face, within two meters of a person with coronavirus in any setting, for example, anyone living in the same household, or someone who has shared a closed space with a confirmed case for more than two hours.  Please click the link to find further information: HSE advice on managaing coronavirus at home

* A casual contact is defined as someone who has had face-to-face contact for less than 15 minutes cumulative over the course of a week, or been in the same closed space for less than 2 hours, with a person with a COVID-19 infection while they were infectious. Casual contacts can continue to attend camps and are NOT required to self-isolate in their homes UNLESS they develop symptoms

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