Club Notes 05/02/21

Lotto: No winner of this weeks Lotto jackpot. Numbers drawn were 8, 9, 19 & 25. Lucky dip winner this week went to Pauline Kieran. Next weeks draw now worth an impressive €8900. Please continue to support and play online or in the Lotto boxes at various locations in the town. All monies going towards our new development.

Juveniles: While nothing may yet be happening on the pitch, our club is working away in the background planning for the year ahead. This week our newly appointed head coaching officer John O’Brien got things rolling with his new committee of Melissa Conlon, Bróna Hanratty, Mark O’Connor, Niall Dignam, Philip Traynor, Ray McArdle and Aoife McCooey. An excellent team who have began to work on making sure we the hit the ground running when football is given the green light to return.

Coaches/Heja: The coaches are busy structuring the year ahead and are meeting regular at the minute to sort out trainings, Heja app, equipment etc. All players/parents/guardians will be soon able to get access to their relevant teams were updates on all aspects of training and important messages will be available.

Executive: The senior executive had their monthly meeting this week and although a lot cannot be done on the playing side of things yet, a very useful meeting was held were plans are been made for some exciting fundraising events to take place to help in the not so distant future to cover the cost of the new development.

Membership: Details of this year’s membership will soon be available and the different methods available to pay your membership. Keep a look on social media for any updates.

Pitch: Just a reminder that the pitch remains closed and notification will be given as to when it will reopen.

Condolences: Our sympathys go out to the family and friends of Joe Kelly who recently passed away. Joe played with the club for many years, was always available to give a helping hand and support the club in any way he could. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam

Congratulations: Congratulations to Gareth Duffy and Mairead Kelly on the birth of their twin daughters and to Declan and Kate Crowe on the birth of their son.

If there are any notes/events you wish to be published as part of the Notes please contact Brendan Carr on 087 292 6456, or email

Club Notes 05/02/21
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