Club Notes 17/06/21

Lotto: There was no winner of this weeks Lotto jackpot. Numbers drawn were 6, 10, 14 & 25. Lucky dip winner for this week was Majella Duffy, Castleblayney . Next weeks draw is worth €4500. Keep playing and supporting your club on

Bingo: Bingo restarted last Saturday and it was great to see the regulars back. Bingo continues this Saturday at the regular time of 2.30pm. Jackpot this week is €4600 with all the usual cash prizes.

Fundraiser: Tickets still on sale for our major Fundraiser with less than two weeks remaining until the big draw, now due to take place on Monday 28th June. The club is asking for one last push to help maximise funds for the development. Get them tickets now on

Fixtures: This weeks fixtures are as follow with all fixtures correct at present but may be subject to change. Thurs 17th U15 div1 Away to Truagh @ 7pm. Fri 18th U15 div5 Home to Scotstown @ 7.30pm. Fri 18th U16 girls div1 Home to Aghabog @ 7pm. Fri 18th U12A girls Away to Killanny 7pm. Fri 18th Sat 19th RFL 1B U12b Away to Killanny 7pm. Fri 18th U12B girls home to Brigid/O’Neills @ 7pm. Sat 19th U13 div1 away to Donaghmoyne @ 12pm. Sat 19th U13 div5a away to Donaghmoyne @ 1.15pm. Sat 19th RFL 1B away to Killanny @7pm. Sat 19th Senior ladies home to Donaghmoyne b @ 7pm. Sun 20th RFL div3 away to Curráin @ 3pm. Mon 21st U14 girls div2 home to Bridgid/O’Neills @ 7pm. Tue 22nd U13 div1 Home to Clontibret @ 6.30pm. Tue 22nd U13 Div 5 home to Clontibret @ 7.45

Senior Reserve’s Good  Opening  Win :The Blayney senior Reserve side under the management of  Jason Hughes, Jim McHugh and Glen Murphy got their campaign off to a good start last Wednesday evening with a four goal victory over Eire Óg in Smithborough. The first half was a very close affair with goals making the difference for Blayney.  Blayney had got off to a great start with four points on the trot in the opening ten minutes  through, Gavin Kelly, Roan McNamara (2) and Mark Hughes. A quick response from Eire Óg saw them hit two quick points but Blayney quickly replied in like fashion  with points from Gavin Kelly and Davy McMahon.  But as the 2nd quarter progressed Eire Óg hit a purple patch  scoring five points in quick succession to leave the sides level as the game went in the last ten minutes of the first half.  The sides then swapped points on two occasions  with Gavin Kelly and Craig Callan sending over  for Blayney. Blayney was now under some pressure as Eire Óg turned in a very impressive display in the centre and up front putting the Blayney defence through a testing time. Blayney was then thrown a life line with a very impressive goal from Kevin Macken in the 27th minute to put Blayney back in front. Undeterred Eire Óg quickly hit back with two points leaving the sides level . At this critical stage Aidan McElroy pounced for Blayney’s second goal in the 31st minute followed by a point from Kevin Macken to leave the score at the break  Blayney 2-9 Eire Óg 0-11. Blayney got the second half off to a flying start with two goals in the opening eight minutes . The first from Kieran McEneaney  and the second from Kevin Macken’s well struck penalty. But this game was far from decided as Eire Óg quickly responded with a goal and a point reducing Blayney lead to six points.  While Aidan McElroy extended Blayney’s lead with a well taken point Eire Óg replied with two good points.   But between those two scores the home side was dealt a hammer blow when they were reduced to fourteen men and this effectively ended their hopes of a comeback. But full credit to Eire Óg they tenaciously fought on. When Aidan McElroy and David Irwin landed two more points for Blayney the game was effectively over. In spite of the odds being stacked against them Eire Óg never threw in the towel and hit two more points.  But between these  two scores Blayney continued to stretch their comprehensive lead as Kieran McEneaney struck his second goal  and Gavan Kelly sent over a good point. The final minutes saw Blayney add three more points through  Aidan Lynch, Conal McHugh and David Irwin to leave the score at the finish Blayney 5-16 Eire Óg 1-16. Blayney Team: Jason Walsh, Paudie Heavin, Davy McMahon (0-1), Calib McArdle,Mark Hughes (0-1), Gavin Kelly (0-4), Kieran McEneaney (2-0), Joey Hughes, Aidan Lynch (0-1), Conal McHugh (0-1), Ronan McNamara (0-2), Craig Callan (0-1), Aidan McElroy (1-2), Kevin Macken (2-1), Odhran McArdle. Subs used: Josh Mone, Brian Flanagan, David Irwin  (0-2), Zac McArdle, Paraic Bolger. 

Reserve Football: Blayney suffered a heavy defeat in St Mary’s Park last Saturday in their second Reserve league game when they went down to Ballybay  3-13 to 0-11. Though Ballybay were for the most part the more impressive side it was in the last quarter that issue was effectively decided. Blayney opened well with three points through John Beattie, Ronan McNamara and David Irwin to Ballybay’s one score.  Then Ballybay hit four points in a row to take the lead which they held throughout.  Blayney pulled back two points from Kieran McEneaney and Aidan Lynch  but Ballybay continued to press their case  with a three point response to leave the score at half time Ballybay 0-8 Blayney 0-5. Blayney reduced the gap to two point on the turnaround then Ballybay hit their first goal.  But a tenacious and resurgent home side  replied with three point from David Irwin, Joey Hughes and Aidan McElroy to narrow the goal  to two points and this was the Faughs best period. But as the game moved towards the second half water break Ballybay struck twice leaving the score  1-10 to 0-9. On resumption of play Blayney came back with a point from David Irwin leaving a single goal between the teams.  But it was then that Ballybay went on scoring spree to hit two goals and two points over a ten minute period and put the game out of reach of the Faughs. The final minutes saw the sides exchange points with Aidan McElroy getting Blayney’s final score.  Blayney Team : Paraic McNally, Zac McArdle, David McMahon (0-1), Mark McMahon, Ultan Brady, John Beattie (0-1), Kieran McEneaney (0-1), Joey Hughes (0-1), Mark Kelly (0-1), Rory McGlynn, Ronan McNamara (0-1), David Irwin (0-2), Craig Callan, Paraic Bolger. Subs Used: Aidan Lynch (0-1), Mark Hughes, Aidan McElroy (0-2), Paudie Heavin, Jake McManus.

Blayney’s C Side Goes Down to Scotstown: Blayney’s C  team had their first outing last Sunday when they came up against Scotstown in St. Mary’ Park Castleblayney,  with Scotstown coming out on top by three points 0-16 to 1-10. Blayney got things off to a cracking start with a Josh Mone goal in the 5th minute  followed by and Aidan McElroy point. But two quick points by Scotstown cut that lead to two points and though Josh Mone back with another Blayney point, the visitors responded  with four points over a five minute period to open up a one point lead for Scotstown.  But in the last seven minutes of the first half Blayney orchestrated a resurgence with three point through Aidan McElroy (2) and Josh Mone to go into  a two point lead at the break  1-5 to 0-6. It was even-steven  in the third quarter with three points apiece with Blayney’s  scores coming from Josh Mone, Odhran McArdle and Aidan McElroy . But it was in the last quarter that Scotstown cut loose , overwhelming the home side  who struggled to contain the now rampant Blues as they  scored  six points to Blayney two scores to put Scotstown in to a three points lead going into the last five minutes with  Blayney’s two scores came from Aidan McElroy and Josh Mone. In the final two minutes the sides exchanged points to leave the score at the finish Scotstown 0-16 Blayney 1-10.                                                                                                                          Blayney Team: Jamie Walsh, Zac McArdle, Mark McMahon, Michael Hughes, Paudie Heavin, Ultan Brady,   Kieran   McEneaney, Rory McGlynn, Mark Hughes, Caleb McArdle, Josh Mone (1-5) , Conor Mulligan, Aidan McElroy (0-4), Shane Ward, Odhran McArdle (0-1). Subs Used: Paraic Bolger, Niall Carville, Leo Maloney,  Jake McManus.

If there are any notes/events you wish to have published as part of our notes please don’t hesitate in contacting Brendan Carr on 0872926456 or by emailing

Club Notes 17/06/21
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