Club Notes 24th November

Senior Men:: In the league, our senior men had a decent win over recent championship winners, Scotstown, on Saturday past. The lads were in control right throughout the match and ended up convincing winners on a score line of Faughs: 2-15, Scotstown 0-9. Next up is a league match away to Killanny this coming Saturday (28th) at 2.00pm.

Spinathon 2017: This Saturday sees our annual Spinathon take place in at McMahons SuperValue. This year there are 2 very worthwhile charities that will benefit from the spinathon: Castleblayney Cancer Society and Our Lady’s Childrens Hospital, Crumlin. Any volunteers who would like to join Tom for a spin are more than welcome, but if not then any help collecting would be great. All donations and help is very much appreciated for these two very worthy causes.

Photos Needed: Joe Hanratty is presently updating the history of the Faughs club which was originally published in 1984, and is trying to track down team photos from 1985 to the present day. Photos would be scanned and returned to their owners expeditiously. They can be given to Joe or to any member of the committee. If people have photos and wish to scan them themselves and email them to Joe directly that would be great. If emailing photos would you please include team names and the year the photos was taken. If there is more information re; the match, competition and venue at which the photos were taken that would also be greatly appreciated. Photos can be emailed to or to Castleblayney Faughs secretary Melissa at the following email address

Date for the Diary:
Keep the 17th November free – this is our Juvenile Presentation Night, and promises to be a great one after a very successful season for our juvenile teams, both girls and boys. More details to follow in the coming weeks.

Faughs 5K: One of the best 5Ks in the north-east: Sunday the 26th November 2017 is the date for our 5K and a bumper crowd is expected to line out for this year’s event.

Good Luck: Good luck and best wishes to everyone participating in this year’s Dublin Marathon.

Juvenile Training
: We are currently making plans for resumption of juvenile training. Keep an eye out over the coming weeks for specific dates and venues. Please spread the word to parents who may be interested in sending their children to training from U-6 upwards. It’s great fun, they make new friends, they learn the value of teamwork and they keep active.


SFL Men Rd18: Killanny v Faughs, Saturday 29th October 2.00pm

Club Notes 24th November
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