Club Notes 29/10/20

Former Faughs Maor Uisce Nudie Keenan Passes Away: Last week, the Faughs lost a good and faithful friend and fiercely committed Faughsman, Eugene Keenan  or Nudie as he was affectionately  known. He epitomised the spirit of the club and when, for many years, he took on the role of Water Boy or Maor Uisce no one did it better or faster. As soon as he saw a Blayney player down he was out like a shot and first man on the scene with the proverbial magic bottle. He could of course be a bit partisan in his committed support for the Faughs and didn’t take kindly to words of criticism from the opposing side or its supporters  and a look of disappointment  or more, on his face, was enough to get his message across. He loved his club, he loved the players and the players loved Nudie. He was always there, win or lose, to shake their hands as they came off the field.  Nudie greeted all involved in the club, players, official and supporters with his cheerful “Ha Pal”. He knew them all.  Nudie Keenan was special in so many ways, all of them positive and none of them limiting his ability to exude pride, joy, sorrow or affection. When Nudie suffered a stroke a number of years ago and he was no longer able to do his Maor Uisce duties, in spite of being confined to a wheel chair, he still ensured that he got his way and with the support of his sister Mary and his strong Faughsman brother Malachy, he made his way to matches to be part of the Faughs clan and he lost none of his pride in the club.  In 2009 the Castleblayney club honoured Nudie with a special award for services to the Faughs. It was well merited and he was proud of that. Added to that, he made a whole new circle of friends in Crannóg and at the day care centre in Íontas. He developed  great f friendships in Íontas.  For those who visited Íontas for any of its many services, Nudie had become  a well known and familiar figure. If you went over to talk to him, you were greeted with a memorable embrace of affection and that was indeed memorable.When news filtered through last week that Nudie had died there was a genuine outpouring of grief in the town and surrounding area and a real sense that the community had lost someone special. That, in some way, a lifeforce and energy had been switched off. Even in these difficult times, the community demonstrated their affection for Nudie. Masked and social-distanced, many, including arm-banded Faughs players and former players, officials and supporters accompanied his coffin, draped in the Green and Gold of the Faughs, as it made its way to St. Mary’s Church for requiem mass and interment.  Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam. 

Lotto: This weeks Lotto numbers were 3,13, 18 & 20. There was no winner of the jackpot. Next weeks jackpot is worth a superb €7500. Lucky dip this week went to Lorraine Carragher, Bree. As bingo is on hold due to Covid-19 restrictions, the lotto is our only source of funding at the moment. We urge everyone to play our lotto weekly and also thank everyone who is playing at the moment as we continue with the new development at the pitch. Play the lotto on

AGM: This years AGM is on 13th NovemberDue to current conditions the AGM will be an “incorporeal” event whereby all relevant reports will be published either on the day of the AGM or before the AGM. Members will then have an opportunity to ask questions based on the reports and the executive will respond within one week

Well Done: Well done to Muireann Mc Hugh on winning the London Junior Championship, Muireann played midfield on the winning team , hopefully it won’t be long until she is back in the Green & Gold of the Faughs, congratulations from everyone at home

If there are any notes/events you wish to be published as part of the Notes please contact Brendan Carr on 087 292 6456, or email

Club Notes 29/10/20
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