Club Notes 15/04/21

Lotto: No winner of this weeks Lotto jackpot. Numbers drawn were 5, 15, 17 & 18. Lucky dip winner this week was Bernard Bolger, Cordrummans Middle, Donaghmoyne. Next weeks jackpot now stands at €3600. Continue playing and supporting your club on

Fundraiser: Tickets are continuing to sell well for our major ongoing fundraiser to raise funds for our new development. First early bird draw is coming soon so buy now and don’t miss out. Tickets available online at or through committee and players. Keep spreading the word and help make this a huge success.

Pithch: Please note that under current guidelines, the pitch remains closed. Hopefully we all get back out soon

Return to play: As it looks like our juveniles may soon be allowed back on the field, it is important that all get registered on and make the return as smooth as possible for all.

Membership: Thank you to everyone who has completed their membership to date. As per everything else at the minute, the setup is different with club memberships and registrations been completed online. The breakdown of membership for the year is as follows, Adults 100 euro, Student 60 euro both of which include gym use. Juveniles 30 euro, Cairde 300 euro which includes player membership fee. Non player rates are as follows Adult 50 euro, Adult social – for walking track only 25 euro, Family 100 euro. Pay online by logging in and registering on or alternatively drop it into a sealed envelope at the various lotto boxes located in the town. Anyone with any issues or questions, contact the treasurer on 0879186640.

Siamsa Challenge : Many thanks to all who entered the Siamsa Challenge. It was a great success. Well done to Mairead, her committee and Majella for organising the entertainment every evening.

If there are any notes/events you wish to have published as part of our notes please don’t hesitate in contacting Brendan Carr on 0872926456 or by emailing

Club Notes 15/04/21
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