Club Notes 22/04/21

Lotto: No winner of this weeks Lotto draw. Numbers drawn were 4, 11, 18 & 28. Lucky dip winner for the week is Michelle Rafter, Castleblayney. Next weeks draw is now at €3700. Keep playing on or at the lotto boxes located in the town. All support much appreciated.

Fundraiser: Once again, a huge thanks to all who have so far supported our major ongoing fundraiser to date and urge everyone to keep spreading the word. The first of our early draws is to take place this weekend, so if are yet to purchase, get those tickets in and don’t miss out. Tickets available online on and also through committee, members and players.

Return to Play: With a return to action in some form now on the horizon, it is important that everyone gets their membership sorted. The club are holding a drive through registration today, Thursday 22nd from 5-7pm, Friday 5-7pm, Saturday 11am -1pm. It really is important that all children are registered before training starts for insurance purposes. Membership rates for the year are as follows. Adults 100 euro, Student 60 euro both of which include gym use. Juveniles 30 euro, Cairde 300 euro which includes player membership fee. Non player rates are as follows Adult 50 euro, Adult social – for walking track only 25 euro, Family 100 euro. You can also pay online by logging in and registering on or alternatively drop it into a sealed envelope at the various lotto boxes located in the town. Anyone with any issues or questions, contact the treasurer on 0879186640.

Congrats: Popular local priest Fr. Seamus Whelan celebrated the diamond jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood recently. Fr. Seamus, from Church Street, played with Castleblayney Faughs up to minor. He then went to Kiltegan to study for the priesthood and was ordained in 1961. Over the years he maintained a close contact with his home town and the exploits of Castleblayney Faughs. After his retirement he returned to take up residence in ‘Blayney. We wish Fr. Seamus years of good health and happiness. Up the Faughs. Also Congratulations to Grainne McGeough and Rory Fitzpatrick who were married last week.

Presentation: This week Joe Hanratty presented a cheque to the club with proceeds from the sale of his book A Club and its Community 1888-2020. A huge well done and thanks to Joe for the cheque. Its not too late to get your hands on the book as its still on sale and well worth a read.

Condolences: This week we were saddened to hear of the passing of the late Margaret Gillen (née Carragher), Carrickmacross formerly Castleblayney. Margaret was an active member of Scór for many years, representing the Faugh’s. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.

If there are any notes/events you wish to have published as part of our notes please don’t hesitate in contacting Brendan Carr on 0872926456 or by emailing

Club Notes 22/04/21
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