AGM: Our AGM took place on Friday past. It was held in Iontas and was well attended. Melissa give an update of how things went throughout the year, followed by updates and presentations from Brian, David and then the Chair’s address from Mac.
Many thanks to Iontas for hosting the event!
Faughs Share Draw: With only a month left until the draw, we still have some tickets left. If you do not have a ticket please contact any member of the committee and they will help. This would make a great Christmas present for someone along with helping to make our new pitch a reality.
With a chance to win €12,000 top prize (plus 5x€1,200 runner-up prizes), we would ask anyone and everyone associated with the club to purchase at least one ticket, take on the responsibility of selling at least one further ticket (family&friends) and help spread the word about our new Share Draw. A full ticket costs €100 with further options of €50 and €20, and with only a maximum of 1200 tickets available this is a great opportunity of winning a big cash prize. The sole purpose of the draw is the development of our much needed second pitch which will be an enormous benefit to the current and future generations of Faughs players. We have a team of ticket sellers who will be visiting different areas throughout the next while so please do your best to support this very worthy cause. Tickets can also be purchased from any exec committee member or online at
Lotto: Winning numbers in this weeks Lotto: 2, 13, 14, 15. No winner of the €3800 jackpot. Congratulations to Marty McElroy who wins €50 in the lucky dip. Next weeks jackpot is a tempting €3900. You can play at or look out for sellers about town at the weekend.
5K Walk&Run/Operation TransFAUGHSmation: This past weekend we had the 9th Mc Mahon Supervalu Castleblayney 5K/2K.
THe U14’s 2K was first of, and there was a fantastic turnout for the run with lots of runners from our local schools and well as from further afield. Special mention to the Gael Scoil, Junior School, Girls School and the Boys School who all turned out in numbers in their respective colours and did themselves very proud.
What an achievement to all the Operation TransFAUGHSmation folk who took part in the 5K event. This was the culmination of weeks of preparation and congratulations to everyone involved no matter what your goals were. Special mention to Tom Miller and his team for organising and running the event. Events like these would never take place without the dedication and hard works that volunteers like Tom and his team put in every year. Well done to everyone who picked up awards as part of the program – keep up the great work!
Well Done: Congratulations to the 1st year Boys team from Our Ladies who were part of the blitz held recently in Cloghan organised by the Monaghan Coaching and Games Development team.
Child Safeguarding Course 1 in Entekra Centre of Excellence, Monaghan GAA, Cloghan on Tuesday 3 December. 7-10pm
Cost €10 per person collected on the night.
Muckno Parish: Cordially invite everyone to join them in the Re-Dedication of St. Mary’s church on Sunday 8th December at 3pm, followed by refreshments in Iontas afterwards. Everyone is more than welcome!
If there are any notes/events you wish to be published as part of the Notes please contact Philip on 087 920 1381, or email