Club Notes October 19th

Spinathon 2018: Keep some time free on Saturday 27th October for our annual Spinathon. As usual, the spinathon will be held at McMahons SuperValue.

This year there are 2 very worthwhile charities that will benefit from the spinathon: Castleblayney Cancer Society and Our Lady’s Childrens Hospital, Crumlin. Any volunteers who would like to join Tom and the team for a spin or to help collect are more than welcome.

Operation TransFAUGHSmation: Operation TransFAUGHSmation continues this week and with numbers remaining high it is fantastic to see everyone staying committed to the program. Keep Sunday the 25th November 2018 free – this is the date for the 5K and a bumper crowd is expected to line out for this year’s event.

Juvenile Training:
We are currently making plans for resumption of juvenile training. Keep an eye out over the coming weeks for specific dates and venues. Please spread the word to parents who may be interested in sending their children to training from U-6 upwards. Its great fun, they make new friends, they learn the value of teamwork and they keep active.

Planning: As we near the end of the playing season, our thoughts turn to implementing plans that will help our club grow and become more successful in the future. With this in mind, our committee groups that were setup as a result of our 4 year Development Plan will begin meeting more regular. We have specific committees targeting: Community Health & Wellness, Scor & Irish Culture, Facilities Development, Marketing & Communications, Finance, Coaching and Games Development.

If you would like to be part of this effort in shaping the future of our club, please contact any of the committee members.

Club Notes October 19th
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